Privacy Policy
Any personal information provided to One Eleven Pty Ltd will not be made available for commercial purposes. It will only be used for the primary purpose for which it was supplied. One Eleven Pty Ltd uses personal information to compile a mailing list for its own purposes and is not a list broker.
This information will only be used as directed by our clients and in accordance with the Privacy Act, and will not be used for any other purpose.
The accuracy and quality of personal information is governed by the accuracy and quality of the data supplied by our clients.
All client data is stored on our computer files in secure premises. Data is backed up to guard against system failures and is overwritten regularly. In addition all Staff must comply with the One Eleven Pty Ltd Security Agreement, which states that all data shall be used solely for the agreed purpose.
The One Eleven Pty Ltd privacy policy will be made available to our clients on written request. Similarly clients can request access to all information held by 1-11 about that person.
If personal information is found to be inaccurate it will be corrected as soon as the correct information is received.
One Eleven Pty Ltd will maintain the anonymity of an individual in a database except where identification is necessary for the purposes for which One Eleven Pty Ltd uses that information in accordance with the Privacy Act.
Personal information will not be transferred to any overseas individual or organization without the consent of the person concerned and only when the recipient has a privacy policy similar to the National Privacy Principles.
One Eleven Pty Ltd does not and will not collect or use sensitive information as defined in the Privacy Act. Should such sensitive information be provided, One Eleven Pty Ltd will comply with the Privacy Act and national Privacy Principles.
One Eleven Pty Ltd will use its best endeavours to comply with its obligations under the Privacy Act and the national Privacy Principles to the extent that the Act and those principles apply to One Eleven Pty Ltd business.